Sam's email from Nov 22:
"Dearest Family,
Well i guess i will start my Email off by answering the 2 very important questions that mom asked. First Question -Did i get and letters? Why yes i did get letters, i got a bunch of them from people in the ward, they were awesome, please thank everyone for me. Second Question-Did i get any packages? No, but i am sure i will get some very soon.
On Tuesday i got a call from president asking me to train again. I was pretty surprised to get that call because there are only 3 new missionaries coming into the mission. They are from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia. I don't know which one i want to get, but i will find out who i got on Wednesday. At first i was i wasnt too excited because training is somehow hard, especially when its someone from outside of Ghana. If they are not from Ghana, you have to help them get good food they can eat and just introduce them to things like that. As i have continued to think on it though i thought about how cool it is to train and now i am pretty excited. So next week i will let you know how everything went down.
Also this week we contacted a super sweet guy named R, we sat down with him and for some reason we started talking to him all about baptism. He told us he had never been baptized and we jumped at that opportunity and invited him to be baptized, he said yes right away and sounded very excited. We talked to him a little more and then left. The next day we came back and he told us some pretty crazy stuff. He told us he has been addicted to drugs for the last 13 years and has been trying to quit. He also told us that he hasn't been sleeping very well at all for the last like 6 months, but he said the night we came and saw him he was able to sleep for most of the night. He told us that he is excited to be baptized and is so happy he met us. It was actually a way awesome experience. He wasn't able to come to church this Sunday, but we are going to see him tomorrow and i hope it goes well. R is a way sweet guy and i am happy we decided to keep contacting that day.
Another cool thing that happened is we had an all Africa stake conference. Elder Dallin H Oaks gave a awesome talk. He said some really bold things that truly needed to be said. he said that bride price was an evil tradition that needed to be stopped. For a second i thought a lot of the members were going to get offended, but it was cool to see them sustain him as he talked. He said some other thing that the people really needed to hear. I hope the African people will listen to the council. During the talk i was sitting next to one of our investigators named J. Through the whole talk i kept looking over at J and i was surprised to see him nodding his head in so much agreement. J has only been to church 2 times, but it sounds like he knows the truth when he hears it.
As for everything else i am dong great. I am truly loving my mission so much. I remember this time last year i was so homesick, but for some reason i was able to stay, and for that i am so happy. I would never trade the experiences i have had here away for any thing. Thank you all so much for the awesome emails. I hope you have an awesome week.
Sincerely, Elder Beck"